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Proven Safe and Effective Benadryl Dosage for Dogs

There are many over-the-counter medications available that you can use to treat different humans and animals. Among many over-the-counter medications, Benadryl is one of the most common medications that can help treat allergies and other problems in dogs.

Diphenhydramine is the active ingredient present in Benadryl, and this ingredient helps reduce inflammation by blocking the absorption of histamine. Similarly, it is also a major component of sleep aid and it is safe if used with veterinary guidance.

We recommend to consult your veterinarian first before administering Benadryl to your pet. If you want to know the exact dose of Benadryl in dogs, its side effects and benefits, this guide will help you a lot.

What Is Benadryl?

It is one of the most common over-the-counter antihistamine medicines. Benadryl is a brand name, and the active ingredient present is diphenhydramine HCL. It can easily cross the blood-brain barrier and is very effective under certain conditions.

Although it is a drug for humans and is not approved by the FDA for use in dogs, you can use with the guidance of your veterinarian. Diphenhydramine, the active ingredient in Benadryl, is considered safe for dogs, but avoid overdosage in dogs.

Some products are available in the market that comes in combination with pseudoephedrine and acetaminophen. But they do not use those products because they are not safe for dogs.

Use of Benadryl in Dogs

Benadryl is the best medicine for those dogs suffering from mild to moderate allergy symptoms. In most cases, allergies such as environmental ones, food allergies, reaction to insect bites, and seasonal allergies respond excellently to Benadryl. It can relieve itching in dogs by treating skin allergies and also helps reduce symptoms like:
  • Swelling and inflammation
  • Hives
  • Redness
  • Coughing
  • Runny nose and eyes
  • Anaphylactic reaction
  • Sneezing

Benadryl can help treat anxiety-related problems in dogs. According to the Merck Veterinary Manual, Benadryl shows excellent results on anxiety in pets associated with travel. It helps reduce motion sickness that can occur due to plane rides and car travel.Some veterinarians prescribe Benadryl to treat mast cell tumors as it helps to lessen the effect of massive histamine release that is caused by cell degranulation. Some vets also prescribe diphenhydramine to treat heartworm infection, as it helps reduce the allergic reaction associated with heartworm treatment.

Benadryl for dogs by weight

First of all, you need to know how many milligrams are present in the Benadryl pill. There are different concentrations of Benadryl available on the market. It is always written on the label how many milligrams are in each pill.

Most Benadryl tablets are available in 25 mg strengths, but some may contain a higher amount, such as 40 mg. If you know the milligrams of Benadryl, then it is easy to calculate the dose as it is 1 mg per pound of body weight.

Benadryl for dogs calculator

As a general rule of thumb, 1 mg of Benadryl per one pound of weight, so if your pup weighs around 40 pounds, 40 mg of Benadryl is enough for him.

Benadryl dosage for dogs with allergies

If your puppy suffers from allergy symptoms, give Benadryl 2-3 times a day as this dose can easily counteract allergy symptoms. You can give your dog Benadryl after every 8-12 hours by consulting your vet. If the allergy symptom disappears, a second dose is not necessary.

Benadryl for dogs ear infection

Benadryl dosage for ear infection symptoms is the same as allergy 1mg per pound of bodyweight. Still, it is given only after allergy testing and a full discussion with your vet.


Benadryl is one of the best over-the-counter allergy medications, but never overdose it and don’t use it without consulting your vet.

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